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At Options We:

  • Are committed to promoting the independence of the people we support.
  • Encourage people to be in control of their lives and make their own choices.
  • Provide active support to each person so that they can identify their own pathway towards independence.
  • Have a dedicated and caring staff team who are committed to providing high quality support.
  • Understand the importance of being flexible and strive to fit services around each person's needs.
  • Work in a way that that safeguards people from abuse.
Here are some examples of the support we have given people over the years:


- When we met Tommy he wanted to move out of the residential home he was living in, and into a shared house. We helped Tommy move in with 2 other gentlemen also receiving support from Options. For the following 2 years we worked with Tommy to help him develop his daily living skills and increase his independence. This led to Tommy deciding he would like to get a flat of his own. We supported Tommy in planning for this and helped him to achieve his goal, and move into his own flat where he continues to live independently.


- Sian joined one of our groups when the day centre she was attending closed down. By attending the group, Sian has been able to keep in touch with old friends as well as make some new ones. Since joining the group Sian has visited a variety of places from Nights out to the Hippodrome, visiting local museums and attractions to visiting the BBC studios. As well as accessing a wide range of social and leisure activities, Sian has also developed her independence and key skills in areas such as cooking, independent travel, community safety and money skills. Through the groups, Sian has also achieved some personal goals which include working in a shop.
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